Before ordering a tax transcript, make sure to have your Social Security Number, date of birth, and the exact address on file with the IRS. The IRS will not release the transcript if you owe taxes, and it may take up to two weeks from when you file your tax return before the transcript becomes available.
To order a tax return transcript, you can either call 1-800-908-9946 or go to and click on "Get Transcript of your tax records" under the Tools heading. From there, select either "Get Transcript Online" to print your transcript immediately or "Get Transcript by Mail" to have it mailed in 5 to 10 days. Make sure to choose the Tax Return Transcript and not the IRS tax account transcript.
After receiving the Tax Return Transcript, contact your Financial Aid Consultant. Do not send copies of Federal or State Tax Returns. Incomplete verification holds up financial aid award disbursements/payments.